Waypoint's Step Two Fire It Up, Gusto!
Novice Standard Title
September, 2015
Michael and Kasha were invited to join
the European Open Jr. Championship USA Team
Kasha and Mike traveled to the Czech
Republic in July 2015 to compete in the European agility tournament and to
represent the United States of America, USA.
They are pictured here with
the Junior High in trial Agility award that they won at the
Poodle Nationals.
What a weekend for
Borga and Kasha!
3 out of 4 Q's with 3 First Places in
SuperNova's New Title! Nova, while not too fond of the heat, got hosed
down before her Open Jumpers run and Qualified with a Second
place and a new Title ...Waypoints step two Supernova CA, CAA,
NA,NAJ, and now OAJ!